Easy and Delicious Corn Cream Recipe

easy and delicious corn cream recipe
easy and delicious corn cream recipe


  • 1 can of drained corn
  • 500ml of milk
  • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • Half a chopped onion
  • 1 envelope of yellow seasoning
  • 1 minced clove of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation method:

  1. In a pan, place the olive oil, garlic and onion and fry the corn (you can use whole corn or grind it in the processor). Add the yellow seasoning.
  2. In a separate container, dissolve the cornstarch in the milk and add to the fried corn. Stir constantly until it reaches a creamy consistency. Adjust the salt to taste.
  3. Serve hot and, if you wish, add chopped chives to taste.

Tip: this cream is great as a side dish for meats or as a base for a soup. You can also add other ingredients such as peas, chicken or even vegetables to vary the flavor. Experiment and create your own version of corn cream!

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